Bishijie Investment Cryptography and Web3 Frontier Offline Cryptography Seminar successfully concluded on March 29th(GMT+8)in Shanghai,China. The seminar was co-hosted by Bishijie, Riofund, Looping, Seascape and Bifei Technology. Co-organized by Mr. A Meng, Yidao Capital, Innoverview, Defigo, Bolian Finance, Lianji Culture. The MC was Chloe Wang, Co-founder of Bifei Technology with a master's degree in economics from Cambridge University.
A total of three guests made a share at the meeting. According to Steve Guo, CTO of Looping, two things will happen with the arrival of Layer2. First, "Layer2's smart contract wallet will definitely catch on". The next thing that must happen is "Layer2's capital shop". Nissen, a partner at Riofund, shared the technique of the choice. In his opinion, in addition to the problems to be solved by the project and the background of the team, it also depends on the structure, namely the token distribution mechanism and the degree of community. Seascape Coo Nicky believes that games and NFT are a good fit, because many of the items in the game are already accepted by players, and it's easier to switch to NFT items. When these NFT items interact with Defi, more possibilities open up.